

Want To use Android Applications and Games on your PC/Computer?

Now you can use Android Apps and Games on your Windows/Mac machine and have fun with them using Android Emulators.


It is a piece of software and upon its installation on your PC you can sync your Android Apps and Games on your windows or Mac operating system within the Emulator.
There are quite few android apps available on Internet but the most widely used Android Emulator is Bluestacks.

Steps to Download and Install Bluestacks:

  Go to Bluestacks Official site and choose your operating system either Windows or Mac and download the software.

    After downloading the software just install it which is pretty much straight forward.
    After installing the software you can download android apps and games then use it on your pc on Bluestacks.
    If you are getting some error like "The application failed to initialized properly (0xc0000135) . Click on ok tp terminate the application",then .NET framework is missing on your PC

After that sync your mobile with bluestack to have your apps and games on PC too.

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